Ride-sourcing is ‘taxi travel’
In a recent case, the Federal Court has agreed with the ATO that ‘ride-sourcing’ (such as that provided using Uber) is ‘taxi travel’ within the meaning of the GST law.
The ATO has advised people who are taking up ride-sourcing to earn income should:
- keep records;
- have an Australian business number (ABN);
- register for GST, regardless of how much they earn, and pay GST on the full fare received from passengers for each trip they provide;
- lodge activity statements; and
- include income from ride-sourcing in their income tax returns.
Drivers are also entitled to claim income tax deductions and GST credits (for GST paid) on expenses apportioned to the ride-sourcing services they have supplied.
The ATO warns that they can match people who provide ride-sourcing through data-matching, and will continue to write to them to explain their tax obligations.