Regardless of your job or industry, there are not always enough hours in the day to get everything done. As a result, you can feel like you are always behind, and this is not ideal for your efficiency or health. Work smarter, not harder...

As the owner or manager of a local agribusiness, you've got plenty to deal with. While you can’t control everything, there are some things you can do to make life easier...

The Queensland, Australian and local governments offer funding programs, often in the form of grants, and business support services to help new and established businesses grow and succeed.

It’s that time of year again—time to start thinking about your business goals for next year and to begin setting yourself up for success. The end of the year is the perfect time for businesses and business owners to assess where they currently are—and where they want to be in a year’s time

Instant asset write-off tax boost extended

Instant asset write-off tax boost extended for another six months amid coronavirus pandemic...

The Government has announced a $130 billion JobKeeper payment to help keep more Australians in jobs and support businesses affected by the significant economic impact caused by the Coronavirus...

The Federal Government recently announced the JobKeeper Payment scheme, which is designed to assist employers (and self-employed individuals) affected by the Coronavirus pandemic...

The Government handed down the 2019/20 Federal Budget on Tuesday 2 April 2019. Some of the important proposals include: – Increasing and expanding access to the instant asset write-off from 7:30pm (AEDT) on 2 April 2019. (i.e. ‘Budget night’) until 30 June 2020, as follows: Increasing the instant asset write-off threshold from $25,000 to $30,000.

When a worker is injured at work, it doesn’t always mean they need time off work. Getting back to work is an important step in recovering from a work-related injury and means a worker can return to a normal life, often reducing the financial and emotional impact on them and their family. Returning to work

Did you know that the Fair Work Act has particular requirements in terms of what information should be included on a pay slip? Do you know if your pay slips are compliant? Employers have an obligation to pay their staff on time, but many fail to provide pay slips on time. It is a requirement 

The small business income tax offset (also known as the unincorporated small business tax discount) can reduce the tax you pay by up to $1,000 each year. The offset is worked out on the proportion of tax payable on your business income. To be eligible for the offset, you must be carrying on a small […]

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