Could you benefit from a Regional Investment Corporation (RIC) loan?

A key to running a successful business is to ensure you have taken advantage of every opportunity that is available to you.

The Regional Investment Corporation (RIC) is a Federal Government-backed specialist finance provider for farmers and farm-related small businesses aiming to encourage growth, investment and resilience in Australia’s regional communities.

RIC loans are available under four categories:

1. AgriStarter Loan

What is it for? There are two kinds of AgriStarter loans – first farmer loans and succession loans.
Who can apply? Eligible first-time farmers wanting to buy, establish or develop their first farm or Eligible farmers and farm businesses who are planning for and implementing succession arrangements
What is the loan amount? Up to $2 million
Details You can apply for a first farmer loan if you are seeking to purchase, establish or develop a farm business in which you hold or will hold the sole interest or a controlling interest. You can apply for a succession loan if your farm business is undertaking or has undertaken succession planning.

For eligibility, purpose, loan terms, and resources, please use this link   -    

2. Drought Loan

What is it for? Help to prepare for, manage through, and recover from drought.
Who can apply? The Drought loan eligibility criteria has been updated to remove the requirement for applicants to demonstrate that they’re located in an ‘eligible area’. All other Drought loan eligibility criteria remains the same, including the requirement for farmers to demonstrate that their income has been affected as a result of drought.
What is the loan amount? Up to $2 million

Prepare for drought. Manage or recover from the effects of drought. You can use the loan to:

  • refinance your debt
  • pay for operating expenses or capital 
  • access new debt for operating expenses and capital

For eligibility, purpose, loan terms, and resources:

3. AgBiz Drought Loan

What is it for? Supporting regional Australians to take control of their business through the drought.
Who can apply? You can only apply for this loan if your small business is currently or has been supplying goods or services relating to primary production to farm businesses in an affected area.
What is the loan amount? Up to $500,000

You can only apply for this loan if your small business is currently or has been supplying goods or services relating to primary production to farm businesses in an affected area. You can use the loan to

  • Refinance your debt
  • Pay for operating expenses
  • Pay suppliers
  • Pay salaries, wages and rent

For eligibility, purpose, loan terms, and resources:

4. Farm Investment Loan

What is it for? Loans to make your farm business stronger, more resilient and more profitable. 
Who can apply? You can apply for this loan if you solely or mainly sell products into supply chains that are interstate or outside Australia, or plan to in the future.
What is the loan amount? Up to $2 million

Strengthen your farm business. Take steps to access markets interstate or outside Australia. Prepare for, manage through or recover from drought. You can use the loan to:

  • Refinance your debt
  • Enhance your productivity
  • Pay for operating expenses or capital
  • Fund drought-related activities

For eligibility, purpose, loan terms, and resources:

Want to speak to an expert?
The Money Edge can help you! Give us a call and make an appointment to discuss if a RIC loan is suitable for you and for assistance with your loan application and requirement documents.

The Money Edge | Bundaber | Kerri Schulz 

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