Use AUSkey or myGov to access the Business Portal?
The way you access the Australian Taxation Office online services is changing.
From the end of March 2020, you won't be able to use AUSkey, it is being replaced because it hasn't kept up with modern technology. This includes Manage ABN Connections, meaning if you're accessing the Business Portal using your myGov details you're also impacted.
AUSkey is being replaced (including Manage ABN Connections) with:
- myGovID - The Australian Government's digital identity provider and a new way to prove your identity online. Establish your identity once and use your myGovID to access government services online.
- Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM) - A new Australian Government authorisation service that allows you to link your myGovID to your ABN and manage who can act on behalf of your business online.
It is important to act on these changes as soon as possible to ensure that everything is working correctly and there are no issues before you are not able to use AUSkey anymore.
You can already use these new services for the Business Portal.
Get started today by downloading the myGovID app and setting up your digital identity. Then using RAM; link your ABN to your myGovID so you can work on behalf of your business online.
Below are some useful links if you are requiring further information.
The Money Edge | Bundaberg